Posted by Irena Mykyta | Jan 10, 2025 |
Breaking News for Ukrainians in the US!
Temporary Protected Status (TPS) has been EXTENDED!This means you can continue to live and work safely in the United States without fear of deportation.
Learn more about this update and what it means for you:
Posted by Irena Mykyta | May 06, 2024 |
How long does the probate process take in New York? Clients often ask me this important question. The answer is - approximately between 4 and 12 months. A lot depends on how complex your case is - how many beneficiaries there are in the will, whether there are any distributees (closest blood rela...
Posted by Irena Mykyta | Mar 12, 2024 |
How to overcome challenges in marriage-based immigration cases arising out of previous marriages, divorces or death of a spouse.
Posted by Irena Mykyta | Mar 11, 2024 |
In this digital age, where much of our lives are intertwined with technology, it's essential to consider the fate of our digital assets alongside traditional ones when planning our estates. From cherished memories stored in cloud services to cryptocurrencies and NFTs, digital assets have become a...
Posted by Irena Mykyta | Mar 11, 2024 |
A last will and testament in New York is a legal document instructing what should happen to your assets and property (known as your estate) at the time of your death. But it does not stop there. You can assign a guardian for children and appoint an executor for your estate, and much more. Over th...
Posted by Irena Mykyta | Oct 12, 2023 |
A last will and testament is a document you create to instruct how you want your property distributed upon your death. Who gets the house? Who gets which antiques? Who gets a bank account? Who takes care of the pets? These are just some of the questions upon which a will answers and instructs, an...
Posted by Irena Mykyta | Mar 25, 2022 |
A lot of people ask how they can bring to the US their Ukrainian friends, girlfriends or extended relatives (not spouses, parents or children) at this time. The announcement by the Biden administration on March 24, 2022, that the US will accept 100,000 Ukrainians fleeing Ukraine as refugees gave...
Posted by Irena Mykyta | Mar 23, 2022 |
The short answer is no. At least at this time.
Refugees are people with a well-founded fear of persecution because of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group. This definition comes from the Refugee Convention, which most of the world's countries ...
Posted by Irena Mykyta | Jan 20, 2022 |
Small business owners often think that intellectual property law is a field only relevant to multimillion-dollar companies and high-tech firms. However, protecting intellectual property (or “IP” as it is referred to in the legal trade) is even more valuable for smaller companies. Large firms have...
Posted by Irena Mykyta | Jan 10, 2022 |
The United States has the sixth-highest divorce rate globally; about 50% of all couples who marry will potentially end up getting divorced. A divorce can be a devastating event for just about anyone, but it's especially problematic for immigrants who have recently acquired a green card or are in ...
Posted by Irena Mykyta | Dec 20, 2021 |
Probate is the legal process during which a court approves the terms of a deceased person's will regarding property and other assets, collectively called the “estate.” After payment of the funeral expenses, administration expenses, and any debts the deceased person owed, the remainder of the esta...
Posted by Irena Mykyta | Dec 10, 2021 |
A power of attorney (POA) allows you to select someone to manage your financial affairs if you become incapable of doing so. It becomes effective immediately after being signed by you and your designated agent and its validity ends upon your death.
A will ensures that your wishes for how to prov...
Posted by Irena Mykyta | Nov 20, 2021 |
Special visas are available for certain noncitizens due to their work or efforts to assist the United States with military missions or operations abroad. Those who help the United States from their home countries risk harm to themselves and their families, and the special immigrant visa program i...
Posted by Irena Mykyta | Nov 10, 2021 |
After graduating from college or graduate school, many international students wish to transfer their F-1 visa to an H-1B visa with sponsorship from their employer. These students have two options for applying for the H-1B visa. First, if they've already secured work and their employer is willing ...
Posted by Irena Mykyta | Oct 26, 2021 |
An increased rate of trademark applications can be a sign that a country has a robust climate for innovation. Other factors may be at play, however, in the sharp rise over the last few years in applications in the U.S. by businesses based in China. American entities should take note of the effect...
Posted by Irena Mykyta | Oct 20, 2021 |
In July 2021, the Ninth Circuit of Appeals issued its opinion in Social Technologies LLC v. Apple. In that case, Social Tech sued Apple for infringing upon its registered trademark for the word “Memoji.” In defense, Apple argued that Social Tech's mark should be canceled because Social Tech faile...
Posted by Irena Mykyta | Oct 06, 2021 |
One of the most overlooked and misunderstood notions of planning for later in life is figuring out (or not) what will happen to your property after you die. Or, as one of my New York friends said recently - a Will? But I am not dying yet! The truth is, we are all going to die one day. But most o...
Posted by Irena Mykyta | Sep 29, 2021 |
People across the globe covet New York real estate, and many of the city's condos and homes are passed down from generation to generation. It's a common misconception that when a New Yorker dies, their real property is automatically transferred to surviving heirs, but the truth is a bit more comp...
Posted by Irena Mykyta | Sep 22, 2021 |
Watching your parents age can be an emotional and stressful process. Acknowledging our own mortality—not to mention the mortality of our loved ones—is difficult and uncomfortable to talk about. But your help could be critical in getting your elderly parent the estate planning help they need.
Posted by Irena Mykyta | Sep 08, 2021 |
One way to ensure you control where your assets end up after your death is to create a trust. A trust is created when the trustor gives the trustee (a third party) the right to handle their assets on behalf of a beneficiary, ensuring the beneficiary receives exactly what you want them to get.
Posted by Irena Mykyta | Sep 02, 2021 |
No one goes into business with a partner expecting things to fall apart. Still, statistics show that many business partnerships end up that way. Ten percent of all business partners end their relationship within the first year, and 45% split up in the first four.
With statisti...
Posted by Irena Mykyta | Jul 19, 2021 |
Earlier this year, we highlighted some of President Biden's executive orders on immigration. Since February 2nd, several other changes have taken place.
Although CNN offers a comprehensive overview of all of Biden's executive orders through the end of April, here's a brief overview of the action...
Posted by Irena Mykyta | Jul 12, 2021 |
Did you know that fried-chicken chain (and social media marketing superstar) KFC follows only 11 accounts on Twitter? Six of those are men named Herb; the other five are the former Spice Girls. It's a clever nod to the company's famous trade secret, its tightly guarded chicken-seasoning blend com...
Posted by Irena Mykyta | Jul 05, 2021 |
Once you register a trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), it's your responsibility to preserve the mark and ensure that it continues to represent what's unique about your business.
If you don't preserve your trademarks, you risk forfeiting the exclusive rights to use them....
Posted by Irena Mykyta | Feb 11, 2021 |
On January 20, 2021, President Biden issued several orders on immigration. Some orders take immediate effect while others may take more time to be implemented.Among the immediate changes are:• Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) remains in place.• Deportations* were paused for 100 days...